Saturday, March 13, 2010

If Only I'd Had a Kitchen...

One of my usual stops in Paris is any one of a dozen markets. There's something intoxicating about being yelled at by vendors, sampling all varieties of olives, fruits, and other sundry goodies, the crazy smells of fresh fish, ripe cheese, and raw meat. When I lived in Paris, I'd do my weekly shopping at the big market at Barbes-Rochechuart. Unfortunately, that's a weekend market so on this particular trip I went to the Marche d'Aligre in the Marais.

This particular market is pretty cool because it's mid-week and gets way fewer tourists. There is a historic covered market area at the center of the market and a big square where the flea market is usually set up. On either side of the square stretches the long street with all the food stalls. Most of the butchers are housed under the permanent structure. And all around in the surrounding area are great bistros and boulangeries.

Strolling through the market made me wish I had a kitchen to which to retire with a basket full of purchases. Shopping here in LA - while the farmers markets and Fresh & Easys and Trader Joe's are much appreciated - is just not the same.

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