Tuesday, March 31, 2009

newsbyte: Postopolis in LA

Great news, LA!  Postopolis LA starts tonight on the roof of the Standard downtown.  A martini-infused marathon of back-to-back discussions, panel talks, slideshows, films, and parties, Postopolis LA brings six leading bloggers together from different cities around the urban world to curate five days of idea-generating, mind-blowing conversation.  Hosted by For Your Art in conjunction with LA Art Weekend, this impromptu creative summit promises to be exhausting and exhilarating.  

This year, the hot slate of presenters was curated by:

Arch Daily/Plataforma Arquitectura - David Basulto (Santiago, Chile)
BLDGBLOG - Geoff Manaugh (San Francisco, CA)
City of Sound - Dan Hill (Sydney, Australia)
Subtopia - Brian Finoki (San Francisco, CA)
Mudd Up! - Jace Clayton (New York, NY)
We Make Money Not Art - Regina Debatty (Paris, France)

The programs are free and open the public from 5pm to 11pm every evening from March 31st to April 4th.

Transplanted to LA from New York (where it initially started in 2007), the sophomore Postopolis blogathon extravaganza promises to include art, film, music and good stuff of more international scope in addition to voices from the fields of architecture, urban design, and landscape design. Check the site for a full schedule.  More news to come from the roof of the Standard!

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