While I'm still at best a neophyte blogger, I'm thrilled to be participating in Blog Out Loud's next event at DWR on Nov. 4. Sitting on a panel with the likes of Alissa Walker (Gelatobaby, Fast Company), Laure Joliet (Apartment Therapy, Dwell, At Home at Home), Gregory Han (Apartment Therapy, Unplggd) and Emily Goligoski (Sanfranista, Notes on Design) is pretty exciting. We'll be talking about a host of different things, like finding our voices, how we got into it, how we keep up with it, why we even do it, all that good stuff. My angle on it being slightly different since I'm from the dark side.....(PR).
Blog Out Loud organizes these blogger town halls regularly mainly for people who are interested in blogging themselves, putting a face to the monikers and kind of offering an inside look at the ever-expanding world of blogging. Basically, they promote self-expression through blogging.
The best part? Since organizers Megan and Rebecca have great design taste and connections, the goodie bags are always AWESOME. If you plan on attending this event, be sure to snag one. Secret Agent client Amenity will be putting in a special modern organic goodie for all attendees.
Here are the details...hope to see you there. Hecklers welcome.